Today, you can find more than one billion websites on the web. This indicates web design and development profession are on the rise. Due to the popularity and expansion of the web technology, it is imperative for every company to have their website which is visually appealing and highly functional.

So, you want to become a web developer?

Starting your career as a website developer can be quite difficult at the beginning.

But here is the thing:

Being a web developer isn’t as daunting as you think. If you work hard, you can find the way to becoming a proficient web developer.

To direct you to the path of web design and development, here I am including different ideas and tips that will make your web development journey full of success. You must be familiar with some web developers. They have their own preference and working style which might be different from others with the similar job. And, to become a proficient web developer, you need to be clear about what you are planning to do.

Web developer comes along with lots of types. Different types of web developer hold different types of salary and purpose. Also, you can check the complete salary guides of website developer from our previous article as well.


Let’s start with an introduction to web developers today:

Front end developer

Are you interesting in developing website by yourself? If yes, front end web development is an ideal place, to begin with. By the use of text editor, you will learn to code the website employing HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Front end developers use these languages to convert designs into websites.

Backend developer

If you are willing to develop an interactive website allowing your users to carry out actions to log in, create an account, connect with friend circle or like, you should concentrate more on backend development and use more influential languages to develop website apps.

Some of the examples of these web apps are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. It also depends on the type of interactivity you are willing to update your web app and learn different languages that include PHP, Java, Ruby and more.

Mobile apps developer

With the increase in mobile apps like Instagram, Snapchat and more, these apps have appeared with high opportunity and demands for mobile app developers. If you really have an interest in making your career as apps developer then you need to think about where you wish your app to be accessible. You can decide on either iOS or Android.

Well, if you are willing to develop apps for iOS, you have to learn iOS development. Also, you can learn different iOS apps development approach with a free development tool known as Xcode and language named Objective-c or use Xcode and Swift, Apple’s new programming language.

Web Programmer

Web programmer includes the one who converts a beautiful design into functional code that controls a simple web page. They are also the one who programs are the complicated portion of web pages like shopping carts, online apps, database and more. The code depends on the type of the page.

Some steps to follow to become proficient web developer

Determine a goal

Think about what you willing to develop. Do you have any concept for handy apps for social networks? Or, looking for helpful tools to carry out your work? If you think there is a need for it and is not available, you can make one for yourself. Also, the app can be something that your career has inspired to develop.

Learn To code

There are lots of tutorials available and you can learn to code following those tutorials. They surely come to help to learn syntax, but may be difficult to get the tools to use, deploy, understand and implement. In other words, you have to learn how to work as a web developer.

Also, you also find the instructor who will support and expertise the one utilising their experience. While learning to code, it is important to have someone beside which whom you can solve all the queries and the one who gives you suggestion in your career and creating a web development portfolio or find the website project.

Take help from Google for solution

Keep in mind regarding GIMF (Google is my friend). You will find Search engine Google your good friend while learning to code. Make sure you make a proper use of Google. It is the main skill as a web developer. Every answer you can get on Google, but it might be difficult to know how and where to find these codes.

Also, your search term directs you to find your answer you require. When you know how to Google for help you will get the path learning the codes in a much better way. It is one of the crucial parts of the learning process to find out a solution to the problem in best possible ways.

Demonstrate your work

While pursuing your career as a website developer, the company do not desire to show your certificates rather they want to look for the project that you have accomplished previously. This is the main reason, it is important to develop a portfolio of the work you have done previously that includes, website, application, and code, demonstrate it at the time of interview. You also might be welcomed with some technical questions during your interview time. So, it is good to be ready and follow the websites Stackflow.

Also, you will be developing a profile and reputation while you are working on it. The finest way to demonstrate your work to the company is by setting up your Github page and showcases your projects from there.

Do not forget to copy useful things

If you really desire to pursue your career as a proficient web developer, make a habit of copying cool things you get on the website such as the widget, video, parallax images and more. Better include it in your code. They help you to find out their main aim.

This is an ideal way to understand new skills and inspire your circle with some advanced to showcase at a comparatively early stage during your learning phase.  


Are you familiar with these programming languages?


Simple and easy coding language Ruby was built as a scripting language for developing a website and mobile apps. It is dynamic and object-oriented. This programming language powers the Ruby on Rails framework which is employed on thousands of websites that include Groupon and GitHub. It is taken as a good starting language for a newbie developer.


Built by Netscape as the client and server-side scripting language JavaScript is functional over the variety of web browsers and is taken as vital for developing interactive or animated website function. The language is usually utilised in game development and carrying out desktop applications.


Cascading Style sheets (CSS) include the style sheet language employed to describe the appearance and formatting of a document developed in a markup language. This language can be used in any sort of XML document, but usually, it is applied to the style and design web pages and user interface created in HTML and XHTML.

Besides, CSS refers to the keystone design of the website and most probably all the web pages use CSS to express or illustrate their presentation.


An intermediate language along with object oriented programming language features C++ is originally intended to improve the C language. C++ comes up with some crucial software such as Firefox, Winamp and Adobe programs.

The programming language is used to develop system software, high-performance server and client application, application software and video games.


High level, server side scripting language for mobile apps and website Python measured to be the straightforward language for the fresh web developer. It is due to its readability and compact syntax where the developer can utilise few lines of code to demonstrate a concept rather than they use in other languages.

It also serves the web apps for Instagram, Rdio and Pinterest through its linked website framework, Django and is utilised by Google, NASA and Yahoo!

Best places to learn to code


CareerFoundry offers an online mentored course that takes you from a newbie web developer to working professionally within 3-6 month. The website’s main aim is to help you build the career that you dream of.

Also, you can get the job of your designer in 6 months of graduation or get a 100% tuition refund.

Courses offered:

  • Web Development
  • UX Design
  • UI design
  • IOS developer
Web development resource careerfoundry

General Assembly

General Assembly is leading the way in education and career transformation that mainly focus on the most demand skills of the present era. The website is one of the leading sources for training; staffing and career transition and they foster the flourishing community of professional following the career they desire.

Courses Offered:

  • Coding
  • Marketing
  • UX and design
  • Data
  • Career Development and more


Treehouse provides a complete access, free trial to the course library. Pick up from 1000s of the hours of content starting from JavaScript to Python and also iOS. Also, you can get a chance to understand the code and acquire the skills you require to take an entrance to a new career path.

Here you will learn to:

  • Develop a website
  • Learn to code
  • Develop an app
  • Initiate a business
  • Learn project with more than 100 videos available


One of the ideal things learning the code from Codecademy is its console, that combines two most essential aspects learning the code. They are a text editor and the execution of website.

The website is devoted developing the best learning experience making Codecademy an ideal place for the team to learn, discuss and create an online learning experience in the upcoming days as well.

Courses offered:

  • Deploy a website
  • Rails and AngularJS
  • HTML and CSS
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Command line and more


Online learning website Thankful provides video lessons together with challenges and dynamic forums to motivate the students while learning code. The website does not only benefit you from learning the codes from online resources but also get support from the active community.

Courses Offered:

  • Front-end development
  • Backend development
  • Programming in Python
  • Backend in node.js
  • Website development in Rails
  • Mobile developer

Closing Up,

I hope you got some clear pictures to become a proficient website developer. Yet, we have a long way to walk and pursue our career as expert web developer and here the most important thing is to grab every opportunity that comes along the path. Goodluck!!